You! - A Self Discovery Course
A Self Discovery Course 
A Course for the Discovery of your Hidden Talent your Inner Passion and your Individual Path to Success and Happiness.
Note: The first 3 chapters of this course/ebook are FREE and may be accessed by clicking on the titles below or by downloading the PDF version here. The remainder of the ebook may be purchased in the "What You Need To Know About This Course" box below. 
4 The Eternal Now 
5 How to be Happy 
6 The Big Question 
7 More About You 
Section 2 Self Discovery Tools 
8 Psychologically Speaking 
9 As Above So Below 
10 By the Numbers 
11 Endings and Beginnings 
12 Putting it All Together 
APPENDIX Quotes on Life Purpose
The purpose of the course/ebook is to help you discover secrets about yourself including talent, passion and charisma that may have eluded you til now. The first three chapter/days are free and may be accessed through the links above or downloaded here. The remainder is at nominal cost to help us spread the word. You can buy it below. 
"This course is designed to help participants find their inner glow and unique path to a fulfilling life. It aims to help them get what they were meant to have in their lives." 
T. E. D. 
Finding the keys to your life:  
  • The mechanism that controls your energy and well being. 
  • The secret to boosting personal magnetism to attract what you want into your life. 
  • Talents that set you apart from others and make you unique.  
  • Inner passion that belongs to you exclusively. When released it transforms and leads to success (by your own standards).  
  • The source of power and wisdom for successful people. How to tap into that wisdom for a more joyful life.  
  • The truth about yourself including the particular way you contribute to the world.  
  • The direction your career could take for the income and success you owe yourself and loved ones. 
  • Why your mental images play a role in your life. Where your thoughts need to be if you want to produce a happy one. 
  • How to get more out of life by doing less. 
  • How to stop others from determining your life. Put those decisions firmly into your own hands.  
  • How to gain the peace and insight that leads to a deeper understanding of the world and your place in it. 
  • What beliefs have to do with the people, events and things you attract. How to change your beliefs to attract what you want. 
    What Others Have to Say About The Course: 
    "The philosophy and insights are deep and profound. I was impressed with the journaling excercise. That has always been a technique I've found to be insightful." 
    Alice C. - Sarasota, FL. 
    "Great job stripping down the internationally recognized psychological test to its most basic elements. I took it with a number of others in my group. It was very easy to take and required little time to produce really useful information about our individual characteristics. Surprisingly accurate!" 
    Steve B.- Madison, NJ 
    "I couldn't believe the information I got out of this program. It really showed me things about myself I hadn't considered, but on reflection are just soooo true." 
    Tracy B.- Birmingham. AL 
    "It's not often you come across something that puts information about yourself into useful, practical and actionable form. It is inspiring." 
    Andy T.- New York, NY 
    How much is happiness and personal satisfaction worth? Most people can t put a price on it which - when you think about it - makes this course priceless. But don't take this course ... unless you're serious about improving your life. Surprisingly some people who say they want to ... simply aren't ready. Something holds them back... fear of failure... fear of success... disbelief that it's possible ... whatever. If this is you, don't waste your time on this program ... it won't help. 
    But if you are ready to make a change in your life ... then this is the right place. Believe in yourself and you will be surprised at the miracles you can accomplish
    If you are searching for the REAL you ... if you're seeking your authentic inner passion, power and joy for life then this program can help. 
    You Are Unique 
    Your path to a satisfying, successful life is ALSO unique. Unless the program you follow helps to tap into that uniqueness and reveals who you really are ... it will fall short. Discovering your uniqueness is what this program is about. Finding out who you are and what makes YOU tick is our aim. If we help you discover yourself and what you truly want, you have the power within yourself to get it. 
    If you are ready, this is the time to act ... there is no better.  
    What You Need to Know About This Course: 
    This course is in the form of an ebook. After each chapter/day there is a simple excercise.designed for anyone who can think, read and write. We all have a purpose and we need to know what it is. If you are just starting out in life or if you have already lived a good deal of it ... no matter. It's never too late to learn more about yourself. 
    This course is in PDF format with 12 chapter/days that form 12 self-contained lessons. The chapters are concise and informative and the excercises take you step by step down the path of self discovery. Each chapter/day requires approximately 60 - 90 minutes to read and complete the excercises.  
    The course draws from scientific and spiritual disciplines to help you learn about yourself. It is universal in its intent. It is not necessary that you believe or even agree with the concepts presented to get out of the course what is intended for you. The benefit is a sensing of what is true for you and what is true about you. No external concepts or beliefs should sway your built-in, compass that points to the truth about yourself -- find it and follow it wherever it leads. 
    If you find this course helpful and you would like to spread the word, email your friends a short note saying something like "Here's a course/ebook I think you may like ... let me know what you think." and include the link to this web page 
    We created this course to help as many as possible learn more about themselves and find their personal brand of happiness. We like to think it will help many people do just that. Help us spread the word. 
    To your life success, 
    T. E. D. 
    You may purchase and download the complete course/ebook by clicking the "Buy Now" button below. The current price is $29.95. 
    2008, All Rights Reserved.